01923 835535 [email protected]


Moor Park’s trees contribute greatly to the attractive ambience of the Estate, a feature often commented on by both visitors and residents. The Company looks after over 2900 trees, of which some 790 are on the verges. In addition, there are hundreds of trees of many different species in Members’ gardens. These are the responsibility of the Member and not that of Moor Park (1958) Ltd.

To assist the Company, it engages the services of external tree arboriculture and environmental consultants, who advise us on providing a long-term strategy for the protection and treatment of trees on the Estate, to restore them to their high standards of aesthetics and to maintain these standards for the benefit of Members. Their annual survey contains the existing tree stock with a tree-by-tree analysis on their current condition and recommendations for the yearly maintenance programme.

Regrettably, on occasions, mature trees become unsafe due to disease or other reasons and require felling. The Company’s policy is to replant with a suitable species approximately 2 years after felling to allow the soil to recover and are selectively introducing a wider variety of species to achieve better resistance to disease, for which we take the advice of our consultants.

In recent years, horse chestnut trees (particularly on Sandy Lodge Road) have been affected by Leaf Miner disease. The Company has these trees sprayed annually to keep the disease at bay.

Trees, whether on the verges or in gardens, are protected because they are within the Moor Park Conservation Area (see link). As a result of these protections, permission is needed to lop or fell any tree with a trunk diameter greater than 75mm (3 inches) and 1.5m (5 feet) above ground level. Some trees have additional protection from Tree Preservation Orders.

To obtain permission, both the Company and residents (in the case of trees in their gardens) have to apply to Three Rivers District Council in writing. Click here for link. No work should be undertaken until permission has been received or at least six weeks’ notice has been given to the Council. Emergency work may be carried out but it is up to the resident to prove that the work was necessary to preserve the health of the tree or to avoid danger. No consent is needed from the Company for work on trees on one’s own property.

The trimming of hedges or shrubs does not require permission. Work is also permitted on a line of trees, which has been pruned as a hedge, however, work on a line of trees not pruned as a hedge still requires consent.

Members should take note of the guidance provided by Three Rivers District Council on the height of hedges. If a resident has concerns about a neighbour’s hedge that appears to be excessive in height, it should first be resolved by discussing it with your neighbour. If an amicable agreement cannot be reached, Three Rivers District Council should be contacted.

Trees on the verges are the property of the Company. These trees may not be pruned or felled by anyone other than contractors employed by the Company.

New tree planting

Moor Park (1958) Ltd seeks to retain and enhance the tree-lined verges that are such an attractive feature of the estate but digging a hole and planting a young tree is no guarantee of success. Newly planted trees need care and attention to ensure their survival.

The Board welcomes advice and help from residents on the care of our trees. In particular, residents are asked to assist by:

  • Informing the MP58 office of locations where a tree could be planted.
  • Regularly watering any newly planted trees near their properties.
  • Advising the Office when you see any trees in need of attention, for example young trees no longer secured to stakes.

Our trees are a major factor in giving Moor Park its unique environmental quality. Let us all work together to keep it that way.