The Company owns some 6.5 miles of estate roads and verges and undertakes a regular programme of maintenance and resurfacing. This includes attention to drains and speed control measures. The company’s strategy is to extend the life span of the roads, balancing longevity against cost whilst seeking to maintain a standard expected by residents.
The programme of road renewal in recent years was established following a consultation meeting with members in February 2014. A proposal to apply surface dressing to the existing roads rather than wholesale ‘plane and resurface’ was adopted. This was following a review and recommendations by consultants who confirmed that the underlying structure of the roads remained in good condition. The surface dressing option is much more cost effective and extends the lifespan of the roads for at least 10 years.
A schedule was established for the following few years to resurface all the main through roads on the estate, with the exception of those controlled by Hertfordshire Highways, namely Astons Road and upper Main Avenue. As of January 2021, the initial cycle of resurfacing had been completed with the following roads having been resurfaced:
- Wolsey & Russell Roads (2015)
- Sandy Lodge Road, Askew Road & Sandy Lodge Lane (2017)
- North & South Approach (2018)
- Pembroke, Bedford, Ormonde Road, Heathside Road and Heathside Close (2020)
The remaining minor roads on the estate where traffic flow is very low will be maintained and resurfaced on an “as needs basis”; i.e. depending on the condition.
A programme of annual maintenance will continue to repair potholes and extended cracking over the next few years, but this should not be extensive.
Future resurfacing plans and the type of repair will depend on the performance of the road surface in the coming years and the condition of the underlying structure. The Board’s policy of managing the company’s major asset on a lifetime cost effectiveness basis is set to continue.
If you notice any particular problems with Estate roads, please advise the Office on Tel: 01923 835535 or by email to [email protected] who can ensure that appropriate maintenance is scheduled. The Office will also report defects to Hertfordshire Highways in relation to Astons Road and upper Main Avenue.