One of the features of the Estate is that there is very little on-road parking. Although most of the Estate roads are private, traffic regulations apply in Moor Park, as elsewhere. There is no right, even for residents, to park on Estate roads and the general restriction, applying across the Estate, is that parking is limited to occasional visitors.
This restriction is shown on signs at Estate entrances and reinforced by additional signs throughout the private roads. In some areas nearer the station, there are yellow lines to help draw attention to the existence of the Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) enforced by TRDC by way of penalty charge notices. The absence of yellow lines does not indicate freedom to park, it merely indicates that the general Estate restrictions of parking by occasional visitors only applies.
To maintain the Estate ambience, you are not allowed to park regularly on the road outside your own property or on crossovers across the verges. Parking on the grass verges is not permitted because of the damage it causes and obstruction to the footpaths for pedestrian access. Green emblem holders may park occasionally on Estate roads with prior permission from the office, as long as this does not cause obstruction or inconvenience to other residents. There are a few areas that have been designated with specific permissions, such as the section on lower Russell Road, where green emblem holders may park on a regular basis should space be available.
Visitors should be encouraged to park within your driveway. If this is not possible, they should park in a manner that does not inconvenience your neighbours, either by blocking a driveway or by making access to a driveway difficult. All visitors should indicate clearly which property they are visiting.
During building operations, part of the consent from Moor Park includes temporary permission for contractor parking on Estate roads, limited to a maximum of two vehicles. This is for the duration of the building works. Wherever possible, builders’ vehicles should be parked on the construction site itself.
Parking on the Estate roads is enforced ty ticketing. The Company’s objective is to deter inappropriate parking rather than to make money from parking charges. Accordingly, charges are intentionally set at the level of costs charged by the collection agent. Consistent with this, where parking is managed by the Company, vehicles parked inappropriately will usually receive a warning before they are ticketed, although where parking is particularly inconsiderate, immediate ticketing may occur.
Parking near the shops on lower Main Avenue is governed by parking restrictions, which are clearly displayed on the adjacent signs. There are four green bays at the top end of lower Main Avenue managed by the Company, which are for the use of residents only and allow them to shop for up to 45 minutes. The parking restrictions on these bays are rigorously enforced through the ticketing arrangements to ensure they remain available for short-term users. Residents are reminded to ensure their emblems are clearly displayed on their windscreens, especially in areas designated for member parking only. Without them, they may find a parking charge notice has been issued.
At the lower end of Main Avenue/North Approach, there are several green marked bays which are for Moor Park office staff or are used by specific green emblem holders, as described on the parking restriction sign.
If you see vehicles parking inappropriately near to your property, please phone the security guards, click here for contact details.