Buying, Selling and Renting
Things to remember when purchasing a freehold property on the Estate:
- Before you buy, your solicitor should check with Moor Park (1958) Ltd that there are no outstanding frontage contributions due to the Company and that consent has been given for all development work carried out on the property.
Annual frontage contributions are paid for 12 months in advance each October and, as part of the completion settlement, your solicitor should work out the pro-rata amount due to the seller for the balance of the year from your completion date to the end of September.
- Membership of the Company is linked to freehold ownership of properties on the Estate. When buying a property, as part of the sale process, you must apply to become a member of Moor Park (1958) Ltd and pay the membership transfer fee of £150. A membership certificate will be issued to you after approval by the directors.
Please click here for the membership application form.
All our members share the same objective, to protect the unique environment of Moor Park with its fine houses, open frontages, wide avenues lined with trees, spectacular views, low walls and grass verges – all features of the 1920s design.
The residents of Moor Park and the company that manages it, Moor Park (1958) Ltd, are in a partnership to safeguard the quality and advantages of living on the Estate. When you purchase a house on the Estate, you become a Member of the Company. The Directors, staff and residents (over 500 of us) all share in this responsibility and we hope that as a member, you too will help us in our endeavours, for you will be moving into Moor Park because of these distinctive features.
In order to protect Moor Park’s unique characteristics, there are requirements that we request all Members to observe. For example, if a Member intends to develop or extend his or her property or make other structural changes, planning proposals to do so are carefully considered by the company, as well as by the local authority, Three Rivers District Council.
Moor Park was designated as a Conservation Area in 1995 because of its special architectural, historic and landscape features. Among the salient factors in being a Conservation Area is that there are restrictions on development. Consent is needed for the total or partial demolition of buildings and there are guidelines on permitted plot developments, the maintenance of the landscape and the protection of trees. There are other considerations that we ask Members to observe, such as speed of traffic, noise and parking. All of these are designed to safeguard Moor Park’s environment.
If you have any queries, please contact the two members of staff in our office at 2/2A Main Avenue. They can be contacted by email: [email protected] or phone: 01923 835535 and will be glad to answer your questions.
Things to remember when selling a freehold property on the Estate:
Your membership of Moor Park (1958) Limited is designed to be passed on to a new owner when the property is sold. If you do not take action to make this transfer, you will remain a Member of the Company until such time as the membership transfer has been completed.
If you sell your property, it is, therefore, in your own interests to ensure that membership transfer to the new owner is made a condition of the sale. If this does not happen you will remain legally responsible for payment of the annual frontage contribution to the Company, even if you have left the area.
At the time of agreeing a sale, you should provide the Moor Park office with details of the purchaser and their solicitor, together with your solicitor’s contact details. This will enable the appropriate paperwork to be carried out to effect the transfer as part of the sale contract and ensure this happens on completion of the sale.
If you decide to rent out your house, please ensure that you let the Office have details of your address so that you still receive all mail relevant to Members of the Company.
Please also let us know the name and contact details of your tenants and any management company you may be using. Click here for form. If you fail to do this, there is a risk that communications about your property and membership may not reach you. For example, if you do not receive your annual frontage invoice and you forget to pay, the Company may have no option but to take legal action to recover the charge.
Please download the form here.
Please remember that even though you are not living in the property, you are still a Member of Moor Park (1958) Ltd and you are responsible for ensuring that the frontage contributions are paid.